The #conibambini Observatory

The #conibambini Observatory originated from the collaboration with the Openpolis foundation to promote a debate on the conditions of minors in Italy by examining educational, cultural, and social opportunities. Through data journalism, the Observatory has created a public database available to social workers and communication professionals, to the media and the public administration, where the analyses are no longer and not only collective, in other words only national or regional, but they are on a municipal or sub-municipal level. To achieve this, several municipal databases have been selected and combined in a single IT infrastructure and are released from a range of official sources at uneven times and formats. The analyses of the Observatory are developed based on information around schools, culture, social services, sports, and digital inequalities, and by monitoring the presence and distribution of services dedicated to minors (from early childhood to adolescence) in Italy.

Content is being processed periodically.

The files are available in Italian language at and at